E.A.L Lotto Treasure Map

This is a special E.A.L Plugin just for registered users. Here E.A.L draws up a Treasure Map displaying where all previous winning Lotto numbers are to be located. Based upon the Matrix Offset or the correct term "Lexicographical Order", the left Axis represent Millions part and the bottom Axis represent the hundreds of thousands part.

Lotto Draw Info
If you move your mouse over an entry, information about that Lotto Draw will be displayed. This display can be disabled by deselecting the "Show Hints" option.

You are also able to display the Lotto Draw number above every entry by selecting the "Show Labels" option. This is meant to be used when you are zoomed in on the map, but it is up to you to determine when it most beneficial to display the Lotto Draw numbers.

To select a Winning Lotto Draw for further Analysis can be done by holding down the "CTRL Key" and selecting the appropriate entry on the Lotto Treasure Map. The corresponding Lotto Draw will then be highlight on the Winning Lotto Numbers List.

Zoom in-out
To Zoom-in on a specific region can be achieved by using the left mouse button and selecting the region you wish to view closer. This region should range from Top Left to Bottom Right.

To Zoom-out completely is done as above but the selection region should be from Bottom Right to Top Left.

Alternatively you can Zoom-in and out by using the buttons provided.
E.A.L Lotto Treasure Map: Zoom in-out

Moving the Map
If you are Zoomed in a specific region on the map, moving the map can be achieved by keeping the Right mouse button pressed down over the map and moving the mouse either Left or Right.

Drag & Drop
It is also possible to see how close your Lotto numbers are to Winning Lotto Numbers by simply using the Drag & Drop feature E.A.L is capable of. To clear the Entries, right click on the Panel where the buttons are to open up a menu for you to access this feature.